gtkrc_dark in ~/home/…/ (choose a convinient place for you) The following informations I stored as file. now you can choose in geany from View -> Editor -> Color Themes – Color Themes your preferred ThemeĪs described in, I build on an existing dark GTK+ theme and have modified this for me.copy the folder colorschemes into ~/.config/geany/.Choose the Help->Help menu item to view the HTML version.
HTML and text versions of the documentation are installed when you install Geany. If there should be no color themes available in geany, download them here: Manual Current Release Geany's documentation is available in different formats.install geany, if not already present -> sudo apt-get install geany.In order to let geany look as shown in the picture further below, I proceeded as follows. If you want to perform these steps yourself and contribute the complete work as a pull request on Github as. conf file in order to integrate it into the repository/project. This is the stuff I have to do when someone contributes just a. However, it is possible to start applications with individual selected ‘color’ themes. This document is meant to describe the steps needed to successfully add a theme to the Geany-Themes project. It is possible to select different styles in Unity, but the dark themes are looking not so nice across all applications.Įspecially with the Internet browsers, I think dark themes are not suitable. My applications running under Ubuntu ( As of today 1/2017 Version 14.10) with the window manager Unity and the Ubuntu standard GTK + theme Ambiance. Geany dark Editor – configure an alternate dark color theme general